
Dear colleagues,

Welcome to Thessaloniki for the EARLI 2023 Conference!

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of Macedonia are happy to host the 20th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction.

This year’s theme “Education as a Hope in Uncertain Times” tackles important and cutting-edge topics of education and reminds us of the challenges and the co-occurring hope for the future.

We are living in times confronted by phenomena such as rapid technological advancements, a huge increase in migration and population mobility, climate change, a pandemic, economic downturns, geopolitical instability, and democratic values being disputed. Educational researchers are challenged to introduce evidence-based practices and reforms to educational policymakers in the context of global change and uncertainty. Evidence-based knowledge can bring some confidence to the educational communities experiencing so much turmoil and uncertainty.

Research on learning and instruction can bring Hope that schools and educational institutions can better support students’ learning and intellectual development, their social and emotional development as well as their well-being and mental health. It can also bring Hope that educators will be better prepared to address societal change in their profession. Educational research can give Hope that schools will become forces for positive changes to society!

The EARLI 2023 Organisers are proud to present an impressive, rich, and stimulating scientific programme covering current research in all fields of learning and instruction. A total of 2065 presentations coming from 58 countries all over the world promise five exciting conference days. A wide range of topics representing basic and applied research, multiple and innovative methodological approaches, educational levels ranging from preschool to higher education and lifelong learning, diverse contexts, and educational and professional communities of learning. Special thanks go to the International Programme Committee and to all the reviewers for their significant contribution to keeping the quality of the conference so high.

Despite the intensive conference programme, don’t miss the opportunity to get to know Thessaloniki, a city with a continuous history of 2300 years, but also a lively, multicultural, inclusive city and a gastronomic destination that attracts young people, tourists, and international business. The city also has a strong academic community. The two hosting universities, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of Macedonia are centrally located and provide you with the opportunity to walk through the city center or the stunning promenade and get acquainted with the city. A complementary enjoyable programme which includes sightseeing walks in the city and daily excursions to neighboring archaeological sites, provides more opportunities for networking, history, relaxation and fun.

The EARLI 2023 conference has been a long collective process. Many people have significantly contributed to this conference. We would like to express our deepest thanks to all of those who have given so generously their time, energy and expertise to help make this event a reality.

We hope the EARLI 2023 will meet your expectations and fuel your enthusiasm. We are sure you will enjoy the scientific programme, the interactions with experts, colleagues and friends, as well as the city and the Greek hospitality. We invite all of you to sow the seeds of hope for education in this journey of EARLI 2023!

Welcome to Thessaloniki and enjoy EARLI 2023!

Eleftheria N. Gonida     Maria Platsidou
EARLI 2023 President      EARLI 2023 Vice-President