Welcome Desk

This will be your reference point at all times and for any reason!

The EARLI/JURE2023 Welcome Desk will be open as follows:

Sunday 20/8 & Monday 21/8: 8:00-18:00, University of Macedonia (UOM)
Tuesday 22/8: 8:00-18:00, “Ioannis Vellidis” Congress Centre (HELEXPO_CC)
Wednesday 23/8 to Saturday 26/8: 8:30-18:00, University of Macedonia (UOM)

We are more than happy to welcome you and provide you with all necessary information about the


Upon your arrival at the conference, please contact the Welcome Desk for the final stage of the registration process, to pick up your material and to let us know you are here!

For JURE: Sunday 20/8 & Monday 21/8: 8:00-18:00, University of Macedonia (UoM)


  • Tuesday 22/8: 8:00-18:00, “Ioannis Vellidis” Congress Centre (HELEXPO_CC)
  • Wednesday 23/8 to Saturday 26/8: 8:30-18:00, University of Macedonia (UoM)
    Please note that the

Please note that the registration process will take place in a different venue on the first day of EARLI conference.

Earli Office / SYMVOLI team

You can find the EARLI Office & SYMVOLI Conference & Cultural Management (Local Conference Managers) here:

Sunday 20/8 & Monday 21/8, University of Macedonia (UoM), Ground floor.
Tuesday 22/8 “Ioannis Vellidis” Congress Centre (HELEXPO_CC)
Wednesday 23/8 to Saturday 26/8, University of Macedonia (UoM), Ground floor.

We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to EARLI 2023!


EARLI conference badge
This will be the most valuable piece of information for all conference days!

Nametag Self Printing: upon arrival  scan the barcode you have received by email and print your nametag. A fast and easy way, at the Welcome-Registration Desk and Welcome Kiosks.
If you want to register on site or have any queries regarding payments, please address the EARLI Office.
Do not forget to wear your nametag at all times, especially social events!