
Internet Access
5 venues but 1 network! Get internet access by using the info below:
Wi-Fi: EARLI2023
Password: hope!2023


An effort to be ‘green’ & sustainable.

In this rapidly changing world that we live in, the EARLI2023 Local Organising Committee, in compliance with EARLI’s policy, has made an effort for an -as much as possible- sustainable meeting, taking the following initiatives:

- choosing merchandising materials that are either from recycled or recyclable material
- providing personal water bottles to avoid the use of any plastic cups for water coolers
- offering many options in catering menus that are based on vegetables/plants, and healthy materials
- securing that any food not consumed will be provided to those in need (homeless or poor people in collaboration with local organizations)
- avoiding prints for the total number of 2.500 participants (ex printed invitations, coupons etc) and avoiding the use of a plastic case for the name nametag
- designing the reuse of any branded material (ex banners) for future conference

Every step we take towards a more sustainable environment and society can make a difference!


Emergency / Infirmary
On the ground floor of Macedonia University, a First Aid service (with professional personnel and medical service) will be available during all conference days and times. In case of an Emergency, either medical or other, please contact immediately the Welcome Desk or call the pan-European number 166 or 112 from any mobile phone.


Code of Conduct
EARLI 2023 is dedicated to providing an enjoyable and safe conference experience for everyone. As a community, we value and respect all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, neurodiversity, disability, or any other aspect that, in fact, makes our community diverse and more inclusive. Both the EARLI 2023 organisers and the EARLI EC will not tolerate vilification, abuse, or harassment in any form. In the unpleasant situation you feel unsafe or harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please be aware of the procedure following and contact our Safe Conference Care Team.


Lost & Found
In case you lose a personal belonging or find something which someone probably lost, please contact the Welcome Desk. We will have a Lost & Found box, which we hope is never really full!


There are copy shops in close proximity to the conference venue. For small scale prints (size A4, up to 5 pages) you can use the Printing Room (AUTH_T, 1st floor). For printing services you may contact the print shop ΞΗΡΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ, which is located really close to the Aristotle University.
CONTACT INFO: XIROGRAFIA K. Melenikou str 7, 54 635 Thessaloniki T: +30 2310 209211 | E:


Spotify list
Music is everything and everywhere! And EARLI2023 has its own playlists on Spotify. One inspired from the conference theme (EARLI2023) and another introducing delegates to the basics of Greek Music. You can find them both in:


Social Media
Looking forward to interact with all of you on EARLI2023 social media. Check out frequently our social media wall at the UOM Ground Floor!

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook (@EARLI2023) and Instagram ( for all the
latest updates and impressions. Share your thoughts, photos and videos using
#JURE2023 and #EARLI2023.

Click on the image below and share your thoughts!